We are all familiar with G - String and Thong underwear are. In recent years these styles have migrated to the beach as people have become more comfortable with less coverage. Sunlovers search out accommodating beaches.
The G - String swim wear suits we make are the most skimpy in the line. Often characterized as “butt floss” these suits have coverage to different degrees in the front, with “stings” that meet to form a “T” or “Y” in the back. Full exposure in the rear for maximum tanning.
The Thong swim suits for men and women tend to have slightly more coverage in both the front and back. Also know as : T-Backs or Tangas, these suits are more accepted on beaches, even though they also offer full exposure in the rear for maximum tanning.
Note. Not all public beaches allow G - String swim suits and Thong swim wear. Be mind full of local rules. Private parties (adults only), private sunbathing and private pools, spas and accommodating beaches are recommended.